
Posts Tagged ‘postaday 2011’



No matter what, we can be grateful. I wrote this in 2007 before Bear passed away.

My heart is filled with joy
You walk with me
You love me unconditionally
You have blessed me
With a wonderful Brother
Who fills me with joy
With a wonderful companion
My pet, Bear who fills me with joy
That You bless me
With beautiful experiences
By brining special people into my life

Thank You, Dear God,
For Your son, Jesus in my life
And remembering these blessings
Is my Valentine Blessing

© February 10, 2007

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The First Thanksgiving, painting by Jean Louis...

The First Thanksgiving, painting by Jean Louis Gerome Ferris (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Time for the annual story of Little One as she first hears about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Little One and her companions are silent as they begin the next part of their journey.  Each is in their own thoughts of what has happened during this last part of their journey, and wondering what’s next.

It is still early morning and the sun has not been up long enough to warm the day.  Since it is still a wee bit cool Little One is wearing the long pants, a little t-shirt and the sweater Martha had given her.  She is not wearing the shoes because she loves the feel of the sand on her feet.

L’Uni walks alongside of Little One while their flying companions go on ahead, yet sometimes circle back as if to check on the others.

Little One is quiet in her own thoughts.  She feels sad having left Martha and Kelly, but knows it is time to move on.  Although she wonders what will happen next she decides she does not want to think about it…only take one day at a time.

She walks on slowly.  Sometimes shuffling her feet in the sand as she goes, occasionally walking backwards to see where she has come from.  Then she stops for a moment.  Although she no longer sees the place where Martha lives, she thinks about her, wondering how she is and what she is doing.  Maybe she is getting ready for her family to arrive for their visit.

As they continue along this stretch of beach, her friends are nearby, but quiet.  They know Little One has much on her mind and heart.  It has been a couple of hours since they left Martha and Kelly.  Little One notices a huge piece of driftwood on the beach near the water and decides to sit for a bit.  L’Uni, Angel Mary and their feathered friends rest nearby.

Little One is thanking God for the blessings in her life ….

After awhile Little One takes a snack from her back pack and eats with a smile in her heart for Martha’s gift.

Angel Mary decides now is a good time to talk to her about life in the world…how it is in this time, this century.  She wants to tell her about the upcoming holidays and what people do in the communities, the cities across America.

“Little One, I want to tell you about two special holidays coming up soon.”

Little One asks “What is a holiday?”

“Holidays are yearly celebrations of special events which happened long ago.  There are some which are only celebrated in some countries” Mary explains.

Little One looks confused, maybe just thoughtful.

“What is it Little One” Mary asks.

“What are countries?” asks Little One.

Mary laughs.  “Oh my dear child, you have much to learn.”

Little One’s face lights up with eyes big and bright, she says “I really like to learn new things and I like meeting new people.”

Mary smiles and continues.  “I have seen that about you.  Your experience with wild animals in your travels, I saw you unafraid when typically many of them can be dangerous to humans.  That will help you be more patient and understanding, and accepting of humans who may not be so nice.  And I’ve seen how you have been with other people.  Your openness and acceptance of others you have met, like L’Uni and her fairy friends will keep you believing in the unexpected.  Even when the time comes that you won’t see them or me anymore there will be quiet memories in the back of your mind.  You may not even remember what it is exactly, but there will be a special feeling inside you.  I know that is a gift from God you will always be thankful for.  That brings me to the special holidays coming up.

The first is Thanksgiving.   This began centuries ago, not only in America, but also in other countries.  It is for giving thanks to God for plentiful harvests.  It is a time to celebrate with family and friends over a meal together.  It has become a time to be grateful for more of God’s blessings, not only the food to nourish our bodies.  Many people give thanks for the wonderful people in their lives, for work they get paid for and the ability to pay the bills to support themselves and others, for their health, and whatever else they are grateful for.”

Little One has been listening with great interest and says “what a wonderful celebration.  I hope I will get to share that time with people some day.”

“Oh you will Little One,” replies Mary.  “You will have wonderful people come into your life, and have family of your own.  You will share your blessings with others, which in turn will give them even more to be thankful for.”

Mary continues the holiday stories.  “The next and most important holiday soon after Thanksgiving, is Christmas which is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.”  She tells Little One about God giving the world his son Jesus, and Jesus giving his life for us, and how Christmas traditions evolved, and now so commercialized.”

Little One replies “Maybe Thanksgiving is the time to thank God first for giving us Jesus, and then preparing for the real purpose of the Christmas celebration.”

“Yes” Mary says.  “I agree with you and wish everyone would feel that way.  Maybe one day that will come to pass.  You are very insightful, and that will do you well in this world.”

While Mary and Little One talk, L’Uni gets up and takes a short walk along the beach.

Little One says “I think L’Uni is ready for us to get going.”

Mary agrees.  “We can continue talking as we go.”

L’Uni sees Little One getting ready to go so she joins them.  Of course, eagle Tom and their Dove friends go with them, but from a distance.

As they go Mary continues telling Little One how people prepare for the upcoming holidays.  During the telling she also explains some details of things which Little One never heard of before.

“Most people in this country, America, traditionally have turkey and maybe ham, with various kinds of potatoes, vegetables, salad, and desserts.  Many people here come from other cultures in other countries, and they may prepare foods traditional to their country.

The meal time is a big part of both these celebrations.  Turkey is used most often on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Although Thanksgiving has not become commercialized since it is not a gift giving event, usually family and friends who enjoy time on this day at someone else’s home will bring a prepared dish to share.

Christmas has become overly commercialized because it is promoted by the stores to sell products for decorations and gifts.  Sadly people have gotten so they feel obligated to get gifts for so many others who are not friends or family.  Even within families people tend to spend more than they can afford which then causes them stress throughout the year trying to pay for it all.  Many feel they have to return the gesture when someone they did not plan on gives them a gift.

It would be so much nicer and more meaningful if people would make something as gifts to give.  Or they could create personalized gift cards for a service, something they know the other person would really appreciate.

In time many people have forgotten the true reason for the celebration of Christmas…the birth of Jesus.  They spend much of their time stressed about decorating, shopping for gifts, and if hosting on Christmas Eve or Christmas day, worrying about meal preparations and cleaning the house.

However, as many people have lost jobs, their homes, the ability to pay bills, and feed themselves there has been a shift in what some people now believe is truly important.

There is a trend toward remembering the true purpose of Christmas.  Many people are cutting back, making some of their gifts, simplifying their holiday plans, appreciating what they do have, especially their relationships with family and friends.

It is a lovely time when families and friends attend their church celebration of Jesus’ birthday, then at home sharing a meal and opening their gifts.”

Little One has been listening with much interest.  “It sounds like a lovely holiday; at least when remembering the purpose and keeping the celebrations simple.  I look forward to experiencing it some day.”

“Yes it is a wonderful and very special holiday” says Mary.

While Mary has been telling this story to Little One, Eagle Tom, and the doves Peace and Love have taken off on their own.  L’Uni is a little ahead of Little One and Mary.

It is now late afternoon. They decide to stop for a while.  They realize they seem to be coming to the end of this beach.  There are huge rocks up ahead.    They notice L’Uni walking around them.   So they follow her and find on the other side an opening.  They go in to see what is there.  It is a smallish cave.  The opening is big enough so the current location of the sun in the sky shines its light into the cave.  It is quiet and rather comfortable inside.

In one corner there is a tiny pool of water which comes from a small trickle out of a wee crack in the wall.   It is fresh water.  Little One realizes she is thirsty so she cups her hand to get the water which she drinks.  She steps into the little pool and feels the water is a comfortable temperature.  “Oh, this feels good.  And I can wash myself with the little cloth Martha put in my pack” she says.

Mary smiles and nods a yes as she says “I think this is where L’Uni plans for us to stay tonight.”

“I think so too” says Little One.  “It almost reminds me of the one we stayed in the last night before we started our new journey along the beach where we saw the three people who had been in an accident, and before we met Martha and Kelly.  It was a lovely cave.”

They know their feathered friends will join them again later.  So here they stay.  Little One has food to snack on and the water to drink.  They talk while they rest.

Now that the stars are out and Little One has grown tired it is time to sleep.

As she sleeps she has a magnificent dream about a Thanksgiving celebration and a Christmas with some wonderful people she has yet to meet.

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A heart being used as a symbol of love. Photo ...

Heart – Give your heart lovingly

Would you like to know that you are visible to the world around you, that you matter? 

On Oprah’s Farewell show she left us with a loving message filled with inspiration and encouragement.  She said one of the things she learned through all these years is that everyone wants to be SEEN, HEARD, and VALIDATED.  She wanted to do that for others…to really see them, hear them, and help them feel validated.

There have been times in my life when I felt invisible.  Occasionally still do.

I hate to think that I have made someone else feel that way, but I probably have, without meaning to.  I would hope that none of us mean to make someone feel invisible.

I try to open my heart and my spirit to be truly aware of others and their feelings.  Not great at it yet, but working on it 🙂

Have you ever been in a small group, even just two or three others where you were completely ignored, left out?



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Little One and her companions are silent as they begin the next part of their journey.  Each is in their own thoughts of what has happened during this last part of their journey, and wondering what’s next.

It is still early morning and the sun has not been up long enough to warm the day.  Since it is still a wee bit cool Little One is wearing the long pants, a little t-shirt and the sweater Martha had given her.  She is not wearing the shoes because she loves the feel of the sand on her feet.

L’Uni walks alongside of Little One while their flying companions go on ahead, yet sometimes circle back as if to check on the others.

Little One is quiet in her own thoughts.  She feels sad having left Martha and Kelly, but knows it is time to move on.  Although she wonders what will happen next she decides she does not want to think about it…only take one day at a time.

She walks on slowly.  Sometimes shuffling her feet in the sand as she goes, occasionally walking backwards to see where she has come from.  Then she stops for a moment.  Although she no longer sees the place where Martha lives, she thinks about her, wondering how she is and what she is doing.  Maybe she is getting ready for her family to arrive for their visit.

As they continue along this stretch of beach, her friends are nearby, but quiet.  They know Little One has much on her mind and heart.  It has been a couple of hours since they left Martha and Kelly.  Little One notices a huge piece of driftwood on the beach near the water and decides to sit for a bit.  L’Uni, Angel Mary and their feathered friends rest nearby.

Little One is thanking God for the blessings in her life ….

After awhile Little One takes a snack from her back pack and eats with a smile in her heart for Martha’s gift.

Angel Mary decides now is a good time to talk to her about life in the world…how it is in this time, this century.  She wants to tell her about the upcoming holidays and what people do in the communities, the cities across America.

“Little One, I want to tell you about two special holidays coming up soon.”

Little One asks “What is a holiday?”

“Holidays are yearly celebrations of special events which happened long ago.  There are some which are only celebrated in some countries” Mary explains.

Little One looks confused, maybe just thoughtful.

“What is it Little One” Mary asks.

“What are countries?” asks Little One.

Mary laughs.  “Oh my dear child, you have much to learn.”

Little One’s face lights up with eyes big and bright, she says “I really like to learn new things and I like meeting new people.”

Mary smiles and continues.  “I have seen that about you.  Your experience with wild animals in your travels, I saw you unafraid when typically many of them can be dangerous to humans.  That will help you be more patient and understanding, and accepting of humans who may not be so nice.  And I’ve seen how you have been with other people.  Your openness and acceptance of others you have met, like L’Uni and her fairy friends will keep you believing in the unexpected.  Even when the time comes that you won’t see them or me anymore there will be quiet memories in the back of your mind.  You may not even remember what it is exactly, but there will be a special feeling inside you.  I know that is a gift from God you will always be thankful for.  That brings me to the special holidays coming up.

The first is Thanksgiving.   This began centuries ago, not only in America, but also in other countries.  It is for giving thanks to God for plentiful harvests.  It is a time to celebrate with family and friends over a meal together.  It has become a time to be grateful for more of God’s blessings, not only the food to nourish our bodies.  Many people give thanks for the wonderful people in their lives, for work they get paid for and the ability to pay the bills to support themselves and others, for their health, and whatever else they are grateful for.”

Little One has been listening with great interest and says “what a wonderful celebration.  I hope I will get to share that time with people some day.”

“Oh you will Little One,” replies Mary.  “You will have wonderful people come into your life, and have family of your own.  You will share your blessings with others, which in turn will give them even more to be thankful for.”

Mary continues the holiday stories.  “The next and most important holiday soon after Thanksgiving, is Christmas which is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.”  She tells Little One about God giving the world his son Jesus, and Jesus giving his life for us, and how Christmas traditions evolved, and now so commercialized.”

Little One replies “Maybe Thanksgiving is the time to thank God first for giving us Jesus, and then preparing for the real purpose of the Christmas celebration.”

“Yes” Mary says.  “I agree with you and wish everyone would feel that way.  Maybe one day that will come to pass.  You are very insightful, and that will do you well in this world.”

While Mary and Little One talk, L’Uni gets up and takes a short walk along the beach.

Little One says “I think L’Uni is ready for us to get going.”

Mary agrees.  “We can continue talking as we go.”

L’Uni sees Little One getting ready to go so she joins them.  Of course, eagle Tom and their Dove friends go with them, but from a distance.

As they go Mary continues telling Little One how people prepare for the upcoming holidays.  During the telling she also explains some details of things which Little One never heard of before.

“Most people in this country, America, traditionally have turkey and maybe ham, with various kinds of potatoes, vegetables, salad, and desserts.  Many people here come from other cultures in other countries, and they may prepare foods traditional to their country.

The meal time is a big part of both these celebrations.  Turkey is used most often on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Although Thanksgiving has not become commercialized since it is not a gift giving event, usually family and friends who enjoy time on this day at someone else’s home will bring a prepared dish or dessert to share.

Christmas has become overly commercialized because it is promoted by the stores to sell products for decorations and gifts.  Sadly people have gotten so they feel obligated to get gifts for so many others who are not friends or family.  Even within families people tend to spend more than they can afford which then causes them stress throughout the year trying to pay for it all.  Many feel they have to return the gesture when someone they did not plan on gives them a gift.

It would be so much nicer and more meaningful if people would make something as gifts to give.  Or they could create personalized gift cards for a service, something they know the other person would really appreciate.

In time many people have forgotten the true reason for the celebration of Christmas…the birth of Jesus.  They spend much of their time stressed about decorating, shopping for gifts, and if hosting on Christmas Eve or Christmas day, worrying about meal preparations and cleaning the house.

However, as many people have lost jobs, their homes, the ability to pay bills, and feed themselves there has been a shift in what some people now believe is truly important.

There is a trend toward remembering the true purpose of Christmas.  Many people are cutting back, making some of their gifts, simplifying their holiday plans, appreciating what they do have, especially their relationships with family and friends.

It is a lovely time when families and friends attend their church celebration of Jesus’ birthday, then at home sharing a meal and opening their gifts.”

Little One has been listening with much interest.  “It sounds like a lovely holiday; at least when remembering the purpose and keeping the celebrations simple.  I look forward to experiencing it some day.”

“Yes it is a wonderful and very special holiday” says Mary.

While Mary has been telling this story to Little One, Eagle Tom, and the doves Peace and Love have taken off on their own.  L’Uni is a little ahead of Little One and Mary.

It is now late afternoon. They decide to stop for a while.  They realize they seem to be coming to the end of this beach.  There are huge rocks up ahead.    They notice L’Uni walking around them.   So they follow her and find on the other side an opening.  They go in to see what is there.  It is a smallish cave.  The opening is big enough so the current location of the sun in the sky shines its light into the cave.  It is quiet and rather comfortable inside.

In one corner there is a tiny pool of water which comes from a small trickle out of a wee crack in the wall.   It is fresh water.  Little One realizes she is thirsty so she cups her hand to get the water which she drinks.  She steps into the little pool and feels the water is a comfortable temperature.  “Oh, this feels good.  And I can wash myself with the little cloth Martha put in my pack” she says.

Mary smiles and nods a yes as she says “I think this is where L’Uni plans for us to stay tonight.”

“I think so too” says Little One.  “It almost reminds me of the one we stayed in the last night before we started our new journey along the beach where we saw the three people who had been in an accident, and before we met Martha and Kelly.  It was a lovely cave.”

They know their feathered friends will join them again later.  So here they stay.  Little One has food to snack on and the water to drink.  They talk while they rest.

Now that the stars are out and Little One has grown tired it is time to sleep.

As she sleeps she has a magnificent dream about a Thanksgiving celebration and a Christmas with some wonderful people she has yet to meet.

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It has been a pretty good year.  Nothing out of this world exciting, but making progress on the path I am walking.

I am looking forward to a New Year, a new beginning and filled with many blessings.  I especially look forward to the surprise blessings God has planned for me 🙂

I wish you all a very peaceful, healthy, joyful, loving, and blessed New Year of 2012.

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English: Nativity scene

Image via Wikipedia

The joy of spending time with friends over the holidays is extra special. 

Yesterday, Christmas Eve, I had lunch with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time.  We went to a restaurant she had never been to before, the Red Robin, and then went walking after. 

 Last night was the traditional Christmas Eve celebration with the extended family of friends.  There are 9 adults, 4 teens, and 8 children.  The younger children get to open their stockings before we eat, then given their food first before the rest of us sit back and enjoy the easy dining of a fondue meal.  Once dinner is over, the children dress up for the Nativity scene as one of the men read the story.  This year Grandma and Grandpa got each other a video camera and were able to tape it, in addition to my taking the still photos.  Then there is the gift opening before we sit back down for the dessert of chocolate fondue with strawberries, pineapple chunks, apple slices, bananas, and marshmallows.  After dessert our entertainment was each of the children either singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, or combination.  A great night had by all.

 It has rained here all day today, Christmas Day.  A friend of mine who lives in my neighborhood had invited me to join her and her son for an early afternoon dinner today.  She is a good cook and the food was delicious.  It was lovely to share a meal and a couple of hours with them.

Tonight I watched the movie The Polar Express.  I love the story and the music, especially the song “Believe” sung by Josh Groban.  Another reminder for us to…

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Let us remember the purpose of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Gerard van Honthorst Adoration of the Shepherd...

Image via Wikipedia

It is nice to give and get gifts as part of the celebration, but in this time of a very tough economy, let’s not spend money we don’t have.  Unless you did already. (smile)  Explain to others, and the children that you just don’t have the money to spend.  I’ve been in that boat for a couple years now.  However, I have found that most people love just getting a meaningful card, with a personal note written inside…even the children.

Even my card giving/mailing has had to be reduced big time…mostly just to those who don’t have email.  A few I deliver by hand.

We can also find ways to give the gift of ourselves to others by helping them in some specific way, meaningful to them.  Help someone in need, someone you don’t even know.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to celebrate the birth of Jesus more like Thanksgiving, sharing a special meal with friends and family.   Let’s dream of a better way to celebrate this special occasion.

Don’t get me wrong, I love giving gifts…at least when I was able to.  It makes me sad at this time of year that I don’t have the money to buy gifts.  For parents it is even worse when they cannot afford to give gifts to the children.  I remember a time when me and my brother were young and our parents explained that we would only get one gift that Christmas because money was tight.  I don’t recall us being upset at all, we understood.

This is my early Christmas message to each and every one of you~

I wish for all of you throughout this special time…wisdom, peace, joy, caring, kindness, love for all, and safety.  I wish you many blessings this Christmas, and Hanukkah to my Jewish friends, and throughout the New Year.

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Icon of a television.

Image via Wikipedia

I watched this program Sunday morning…WONDERFUL!

In each 30 minute show there are 3 different real life stories for and about young people.
These are young people who have been through really tough times in their lives, yet came out on the other side to a better life, with the Winning Edge. Each young person is paired with a star from the entertainment industry or sports who introduces their story.

I highly recommend you check the list included for the station and airing time where you live. Watch with the young people in your family, especially the teens. Maybe you don’t have young people in your home, but you know other families who might enjoy and benefit from these programs.

The Mission of Challenger Films  http://challengerfilms.org/

Recognizing the immense impact of television on today’s youth, Challenger Films seeks to inspire youth to seek a life of integrity and character.
Challenger Films seeks to fulfill its mission through projects such as The Real Winning Edge, a 26 week, 30 minute television series which profiles young achievers who are peer role models.  These role models are introduced by well-known celebrities.  http://www.realwinningedge.com/

Check out the section “About Us” and learn about Dr. Diane Preston-Reilly, Founder and President of Challenger Films. She does this work from her heart. This is a non-profit organization and she can only keep doing this through the donations she receives. This is a very worthy and important cause to help the young people, who are our future.

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Asking For Forgiveness
Image by hang_in_there via Flickr

It is a tough time for millions of Americans with the crummy economy and terrible housing market.  So many of us are looking for paying jobs and/or trying to sell a house for more than what we owe on them. 

 On top of that it is the holiday season…Christmas and the New Year.  Many people find this a sadder time because they are alone.  Many cannot buy gifts for their families, or friends…and can’t even afford to send cards.

 I’m hearing more people feeling really bad, and when getting into deeper conversation with them it turns out they have been very angry at others who hurt them in some way.

I asked if they could find it in their hearts to forgive those people.  They feel so strongly about the wrong done to them, they say there is no way they can forgive.  My heart breaks for them.

 There are many stories of people who have such anger and sometimes even hate for the offender, and they find themselves with troubled lives and health issues.  There are many stories of those who found it in their hearts to FORGIVE those who hurt them.  They may not forget what happened, but the FORGIVING and LETTING GO gave them peace within themselves.  They found their lives turned around for the better, including better health.

 Who are you angry with and why?  Find the courage, with love in your heart to forgive and let go. 


Wishing you peace and love within your heart and a very blessed and happy Christmas.

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de: Beweinung des Leichnams Christi, Erfurt, u...

I wrote this in 2005. Yes it is sad, yet reminds me to be available to others.

A few moments of magic
A special letter
Exciting news
Something special happens
I am excited
A special joy fills me up
I want to share the moments
….in person

Call to a friend
Can we meet for coffee?
Something wonderful to share…
Sorry, can’t…
Call another friend
Can we meet…?
Something wonderful to share…
Sorry, can’t today…
See another friend
Want to share something wonderful…
They are busy with children
Or other people…
Sorry, can we talk later…………

My heart drops
Pain sets in
My spirit cries
I try not to feel sorry for myself
I can barely breathe
The moments disappear
No one to share with…
Just more moments…

Copyright February 5, 2005

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It was a lovely Thanksgiving celebration last Thursday with friends….7 adults and 10 children, plus Kelly the dog, and Charlie the cat.  So much GOOD food.  I had to try just a little of everything, and oh so yummy.  After dinner we all went out for a walk then back for the two birthday gals to open cards and gifts.  Then it was time for the desserts and blow out the candles.

Homemade Cookies & Apple Pie by Ann Marquette

Candles for the Birthday Gals by Ann Marquette

Today is my actual birthday and it has been a great day…even through the rain.  I am grateful to be here, being well, and having wonderful people in my life.

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I am grateful for the blessing of special quiet time with God.   

My Favorite Spot by Ann Marquette


I have a dream, which I believe God has placed in my heart.  It has been a long time already waiting for the right circumstances for the dream to be fulfilled.  In the meantime I pray I am walking the right steps to fulfill what I need to do while I am where I am, and prepare me for the time I can step into the path of my dream.

 There have been tough times before and He has brought me through each one with loving kindness.  Throughout the years He has also gifted me with wonderful surprises beyond my wildest dreams.  He has gifted me with special joys in my life.  When I struggle with the questions of when, what, and how…I remember that He is preparing the best for me and I look forward to His next surprise, His next blessed gift.

 Make a list of what brings you joy and post it somewhere you will see it often.  When times get you down, look at the list and remember those times.  Do what you can to help yourself, do your best, help others when you can; and leave the rest to God who loves you unconditionally.

P.S. Today I took my SUV in to Toyota for the oil and filter change.  The management had a Thanksgiving feast for all their employees.  After the staff ate, one of the managers came into the waiting room and invited those of us waiting on our vehicles to help ourselves to lunch 🙂  It was good and a nice unexpected treat.


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Little One and her companions are silent as they begin the next part of their journey.  Each is in their own thoughts of what has happened during this last part of their journey, and wondering what’s next.

It is still early morning and the sun has not been up long enough to warm the day.  Since it is still a wee bit cool Little One is wearing the long pants, a little t-shirt and the sweater Martha had given her.  She is not wearing the shoes because she loves the feel of the sand on her feet.

L’Uni walks alongside of Little One while their flying companions go on ahead, yet sometimes circle back as if to check on the others.

Little One is quiet in her own thoughts.  She feels sad having left Martha and Kelly, but knows it is time to move on.  Although she wonders what will happen next she decides she does not want to think about it…only take one day at a time.

She walks on slowly.  Sometimes shuffling her feet in the sand as she goes, occasionally walking backwards to see where she has come from.  Then she stops for a moment.  Although she no longer sees the place where Martha lives, she thinks about her, wondering how she is and what she is doing.  Maybe she is getting ready for her family to arrive for their visit.

As they continue along this stretch of beach, her friends are nearby, but quiet.  They know Little One has much on her mind and heart.  It has been a couple of hours since they left Martha and Kelly.  Little One notices a huge piece of driftwood on the beach near the water and decides to sit for a bit.  L’Uni, Angel Mary and their feathered friends rest nearby.

Little One is thanking God for the blessings in her life ….

After awhile Little One takes a snack from her back pack and eats with a smile in her heart for Martha’s gift.

Angel Mary decides now is a good time to talk to her about life in the world…how it is in this time, this century.  She wants to tell her about the upcoming holidays and what people do in the communities, the cities across America.

“Little One, I want to tell you about two special holidays coming up soon.”

Little One asks “What is a holiday?”

“Holidays are yearly celebrations of special events which happened long ago.  There are some which are only celebrated in some countries” Mary explains.

Little One looks confused, maybe just thoughtful.

“What is it Little One” Mary asks.

“What are countries?” asks Little One.

Mary laughs.  “Oh my dear child, you have much to learn.”

Little One’s face lights up with eyes big and bright, she says “I really like to learn new things and I like meeting new people.”

Mary smiles and continues.  “I have seen that about you.  Your experience with wild animals in your travels, I saw you unafraid when typically many of them can be dangerous to humans.  That will help you be more patient and understanding, and accepting of humans who may not be so nice.  And I’ve seen how you have been with other people.  Your openness and acceptance of others you have met, like L’Uni and her fairy friends will keep you believing in the unexpected.  Even when the time comes that you won’t see them or me anymore there will be quiet memories in the back of your mind.  You may not even remember what it is exactly, but there will be a special feeling inside you.  I know that is a gift from God you will always be thankful for.  That brings me to the special holidays coming up.

The first is Thanksgiving.   This began centuries ago, not only in America, but also in other countries.  It is for giving thanks to God for plentiful harvests.  It is a time to celebrate with family and friends over a meal together.  It has become a time to be grateful for more of God’s blessings, not only the food to nourish our bodies.  Many people give thanks for the wonderful people in their lives, for work they get paid for and the ability to pay the bills to support themselves and others, for their health, and whatever else they are grateful for.”

Little One has been listening with great interest and says “what a wonderful celebration.  I hope I will get to share that time with people some day.”

“Oh you will Little One,” replies Mary.  “You will have wonderful people come into your life, and have family of your own.  You will share your blessings with others, which in turn will give them even more to be thankful for.”

Mary continues the holiday stories.  “The next and most important holiday soon after Thanksgiving, is Christmas which is a celebration of the birth of Jesus.”  She tells Little One about God giving the world his son Jesus, and Jesus giving his life for us, and how Christmas traditions evolved, and now so commercialized.”

Little One replies “Maybe Thanksgiving is the time to thank God first for giving us Jesus, and then preparing for the real purpose of the Christmas celebration.”

“Yes” Mary says.  “I agree with you and wish everyone would feel that way.  Maybe one day that will come to pass.  You are very insightful, and that will do you well in this world.”

While Mary and Little One talk, L’Uni gets up and takes a short walk along the beach.

Little One says “I think L’Uni is ready for us to get going.”

Mary agrees.  “We can continue talking as we go.”

L’Uni sees Little One getting ready to go so she joins them.  Of course, eagle Tom and their Dove friends go with them, but from a distance.

As they go Mary continues telling Little One how people prepare for the upcoming holidays.  During the telling she also explains some details of things which Little One never heard of before.

“Most people in this country, America, traditionally have turkey and maybe ham, with various kinds of potatoes, vegetables, salad, and desserts.  Many people here come from other cultures in other countries, and they may prepare foods traditional to their country.

The meal time is a big part of both these celebrations.  Turkey is used most often on Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Although Thanksgiving has not become commercialized since it is not a gift giving event, usually family and friends who enjoy time on this day at someone else’s home will bring a prepared dish or dessert to share.

Christmas has become overly commercialized because it is promoted by the stores to sell products for decorations and gifts.  Sadly people have gotten so they feel obligated to get gifts for so many others who are not friends or family.  Even within families people tend to spend more than they can afford which then causes them stress throughout the year trying to pay for it all.  Many feel they have to return the gesture when someone they did not plan on gives them a gift.

It would be so much nicer and more meaningful if people would make something as gifts to give.  Or they could create personalized gift cards for a service, something they know the other person would really appreciate.

In time many people have forgotten the true reason for the celebration of Christmas…the birth of Jesus.  They spend much of their time stressed about decorating, shopping for gifts, and if hosting on Christmas Eve or Christmas day, worrying about meal preparations and cleaning the house.

However, as many people have lost jobs, their homes, the ability to pay bills, and feed themselves there has been a shift in what some people now believe is truly important.

There is a trend toward remembering the true purpose of Christmas.  Many people are cutting back, making some of their gifts, simplifying their holiday plans, appreciating what they do have, especially their relationships with family and friends.

It is a lovely time when families and friends attend their church celebration of Jesus’ birthday, then at home sharing a meal and opening their gifts.”

Little One has been listening with much interest.  “It sounds like a lovely holiday; at least when remembering the purpose and keeping the celebrations simple.  I look forward to experiencing it some day.”

“Yes it is a wonderful and very special holiday” says Mary.

While Mary has been telling this story to Little One, Eagle Tom, and the doves Peace and Love have taken off on their own.  L’Uni is a little ahead of Little One and Mary.

It is now late afternoon. They decide to stop for a while.  They realize they seem to be coming to the end of this beach.  There are huge rocks up ahead.    They notice L’Uni walking around them.   So they follow her and find on the other side an opening.  They go in to see what is there.  It is a smallish cave.  The opening is big enough so the current location of the sun in the sky shines its light into the cave.  It is quiet and rather comfortable inside.

In one corner there is a tiny pool of water which comes from a small trickle out of a wee crack in the wall.   It is fresh water.  Little One realizes she is thirsty so she cups her hand to get the water which she drinks.  She steps into the little pool and feels the water is a comfortable temperature.  “Oh, this feels good.  And I can wash myself with the little cloth Martha put in my pack” she says.

Mary smiles and nods a yes as she says “I think this is where L’Uni plans for us to stay tonight.”

“I think so too” says Little One.  “It almost reminds me of the one we stayed in the last night before we started our new journey along the beach where we saw the three people who had been in an accident, and before we met Martha and Kelly.  It was a lovely cave.”

They know their feathered friends will join them again later.  So here they stay.  Little One has food to snack on and the water to drink.  They talk while they rest.

Now that the stars are out and Little One has grown tired it is time to sleep.

As she sleeps she has a magnificent dream about a Thanksgiving celebration and a Christmas with some wonderful people she has yet to meet.

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Great time enjoying the autumn colors in Greenville and visit friends.

2011 Autumn in Falls Park by Ann Marquette


Silent Bench under Fall color 2011 by Ann Marquette

2011 Fall along River Walk by Ann Marquette

Reedy River Falls and Autumn Colors by Ann Marquette

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One recent evening while driving Miss Eve, (15 year old eldest of five children) from her dance practice to her home, we discussed the positive and not so positive definitions of the word SENSITIVE.  She is a very smart and well spoken young lady and a delight to discuss various subjects.

When I got home I decided to go to the online thesaurus and dictionary.  In the thesaurus I found three different groups of adjectives under the word SENSITIVE.

Under Responsive it includes: Receptive, Susceptible, Aware, Perceptive, Insightful, Indifferent (antonym)

Grouped under Thin-Skinned: Easily upset, Easily hurt, Hypersensitive, Touchy, Vulnerable, Impervious (antonym)

And, the third group of adjectives under the word Precise: Precision, Exact, Delicate, Finely tuned, Responsive

I had forgotten some of the other uses of the word SENSITIVE.  Interesting to learn of them again. However, she and I were speaking specifically about the mental and emotional psychological aspects of being SENSITIVE. 

Are you sensitive in the way of being easily hurt, or being perceptive/insightful (having empathy)?  Or maybe a little of both?


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